dimanche 30 décembre 2018

WP All Import - ACF checkboxes / Typing in the value

I have an issue while I am importing data for adding new vehicles for our car dealer plugin.

I have a set of checkboxes for instance for the exterieur-color of the vehicle. View the attached images.



My Question: What I have to type in into the field, that the color "Silber" is selected and not added as an another value?

Thank you very much!

Here is a sample of the sourcecode:

<div id="acf-color" class="field field_type-radio field_key-eab5f6206e77e9e1aab51ad04477a822" data-field_name="color" data-field_key="eab5f6206e77e9e1aab51ad04477a822" data-field_type="radio"><p class="label"><label for="acf-field-color">Außenfarbe</label></p><ul class="acf-radio-list radio vertical"><li><label><input id="acf-field-color-Silber" type="radio" name="fields[eab5f6206e77e9e1aab51ad04477a822]" value="Silber" />Silber</label></li><li><label><input id="acf-field-color-Schwarz" type="radio" name="fields[eab5f6206e77e9e1aab51ad04477a822]" value="Schwarz" />Schwarz</label></li><li><label><input id="acf-field-color-Weiss" type="radio" name="fields[eab5f6206e77e9e1aab51ad04477a822]" value="Weiss" checked=&quot;checked&quot; data-checked=&quot;checked&quot; />Weiss</label></li>

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