vendredi 14 août 2020

Netsuite Form and Checkbox won't work in Wordpress

We are working on a website and when we moved our forms from one website to the other our checkboxes no longer work. The form code is from NetSuite so a lot of the labels we must keep so that it goes through correctly. I have tried a couple of different things but the checkbox just won't check. Anyone know whats up?

Here is the code:

<div class="form-group"><input onClick="setEventCancelBubble(event); setWindowChanged(window, true);;" aria-labelledby="custentity_contact_us_consent_fs_lbl" onChange="NLCheckboxOnChange(this); " onKeyPress="NLCheckboxOnKeyPress(event);  return true;" name="custentity_contact_us_consent" id="custentity_contact_us_consent_fs_inp" type="checkbox" value="T" class="checkbox" required><TD valign=middle nowrap align=right class='smalltextnolink'><span class="checkboxSpan smalltextnolink" style="white-space: wrap;" id="custentity_contact_us_consent_fs_lbl"><img class='required_icon' title='Required Field' alt='Required Field' src='' /><span  class='smalltextnolink' onmouseover="this.className='smalltextnolink'; return true;" onmouseout="this.className='smalltextnolink'; ">I understand that by completing and submitting this form, I am affirmatively providing my consent to be contacted directly by Little Sunshine’s Playhouse and Preschool by any and all of the means outlined above.</span></span></TD><TD nowrap valign=middle><span style="white-space: nowrap" onClick="return NLCheckboxOnClick(this);" id="custentity_contact_us_consent_fs" class="checkbox_unck"><input type="hidden" name="custentity_contact_us_consent_send"></span></TD></nlcustentity_contact_us_consent></div>

You can find the link of where I have the form from the link below. The form is all the way to the bottom.

Thank you in advance. I am starting to lose my mind why it still works on the old site but not the new.

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