mercredi 1 décembre 2021

Create Checkbox on table with JavaScript

I'm building an app and on this app I have to add items on a table, and I would like to add a checkbox on each line that I add, but I'm having troubles on trying to do that. Would you know how to add a checkbox on each line that I add on the table?

below is the code where I add line per line to my table

function addDataToTbody(nl, data) { // nl -> NodeList, data -> array with objects
  data.forEach((d, i) => {
    var tr = nl.insertRow(i);
    Object.keys(d).forEach((k, j) => { // Keys from object represent th.innerHTML
      var cell = tr.insertCell(j);
      cell.innerHTML = d[k]; // Assign object values to cells   

I tried to do something like

tr.append("<td> <div class='form-control'>\
    <input type='checkbox' /> \
    <label for='chk'/>select</div>\

But that just adds a text to my table and not the checkbox itself.

<div id="table-wrapper" class="table-responsive">
      <table class="table table-hover" id="PartData">
                   <th scope="col">#</th>
                   <th scope="col">FUNÇÃO</th>
                   <th scope="col">DESCRIÇÃO</th>
                   <th scope="col">QUANTIDADE</th>
                   <th scope="col">FABRICANTE DO PAINEL</th>
                   <th scope="col">PEÇA</th>
                   <th scope="col">REVISÃO</th>

above is my HTML code.

Thanks in advance!

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