mercredi 16 février 2022

Vuetify checkbox unchecked when changing pagination

i have datatable that contain checkbox in actions column

my datatable on template

                    <template v-slot:item.filename={item}>

                    <template v-slot:item.circuit={item}>
                        <v-chip :color="getStatus(item.circuit)" dark>

                    <template v-slot:item.actions="{ item, index }">
                        <div class="d-flex">


my headers options on data

head: [
    { text: 'Fichier', align: 'start', value: 'filename' },
    { text: 'Circuit', align: 'start', value: 'circuit' },
    { text: 'Action', align: 'start', value: 'actions' }

so when i check some in the first page, it added to my model, i swtich to another page to check some other, and when i return to the previous page, all checkbox checked recentely are unchecked but my model value is inchanged; and i return to the other page, all checked checkbox are unchecked too. If i recheck the recently checked one, my model value still inchanged and if i uncheck it, the item is removed from my model. as if my checkbox not understand that he is checked and in the model when i change page;

Edit I have another checkbox that make all items checked, so all of it are in model, but when i change page, the sae behavior is occured, but if i used the option to show all row, all the unchecked in the page still unchecked, but the rest of the list are all checked

Other Edit I noticed that if i check some on one page, i switch page, and check other some in this page, all recently checked from the first page all removed from the model

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