mardi 29 août 2023

Livewire 3 - Checkbox do not checked

I am doing a website and I'm on the new version of livewire 3, I am trying to do a checkbox All, but the problem is the value is on my tab but the checkbox dont want to checked: Checkbox do not checked

If someone can help me !

The view: first checkbox:

Code of the main checkbox

Both other: Other's checkbox code




We can see the id's on the array, but the checkbox dont check, and i already try to convert int in string but nothing happen: When i checked the main checkbox And if i checked the 2 down checkbox: When i checked the main and both other's

I guess the problem come from when i checked one of the 2 checkbox the function is called but should not.

If i look in the network, I don't see any update about my selected property: Network screen

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