mercredi 16 août 2023

When I click on a checkbox in ag-grid-vue, all the checkboxes in the row are selected. how to handle each checkbox separately?

I'm working on ag-grid-vue. Currently, I have check box with name 'Checkbox Selection' and I've added a new checkbox colum with name 'Accept Media Pending' (Please look at the attached image). When I'm trying to click on one checkbox, the other checkbox is automatically selected. I want to handle each checkbox separately. How do I do it ?

[![enter image description here][1]][1]

My ag-grid-vue inside template looks like this

<ag-grid-vue :columnDefs="columnDefs"

Also, Below is the column Definitions in ag-grid-vue

createColumnDefs() {
            return [
                    headerName: 'Share Status',
                    field: 'share_status',
                    filter: 'agSetColumnFilter',
                    filterParams: {
                        values: ['Original', 'Shared'],
                        excelMode: 'windows'
                    headerName: 'Product Type',
                    field: 'product_type_name',
                    filterParams: {
                        newRowsAction: 'keep',
                    field: 'checkboxSelection',
                    checkboxSelection: true,
                    suppressMenu: true,
                    filter: false,
                    sortable: false,
                    width: 75,
                  field: 'AcceptMediaPending',
                  checkboxSelection: true,
                  showDisabledCheckboxes: true,
                  width: 75,

Could someone please help me ? [1]:

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