jeudi 19 février 2015

Navigating custom (somewhat complicated?) ComboBox drop down area issues

ComboBox Details

There is A LOT of code that I used to construct this guy but this is really the relevant breakdown of the elements inside the pop-up (including the pop-up).

The issue is how it navigates when using arrow keys...

Let's say I've tabbed into the control. I have it set so that it goes directly into a checkbox, bypassing the comboboxitem. However when I press a direction, weird things are abound.

Movement Example

(I have no clue what the names of the controls are since it is done programatically so these are placeholders)

It just stays within those 3 custom checkboxes even though I have 48 of them. I am filling the items via the codebehind if that makes any difference

If you need any clarification or even code snips let me know.


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