vendredi 24 juillet 2015

Tablesorter JS with Tablescroller Widget, column freeze with multiple checkboxes in multiple columns

I am currently working with a project mainly dealing with database and I use Tablesorter JS Plugin to populate my table. What I want to achieve is a table with more than one fixed columns and have multiple checkboxes in multiple columns in the scrollable section. I am using Tablesorter Bootstrap Theme as the table styling. I followed this JSfiddle Dynamic checkbox sorting and Tablesorter Widget Scroller example.

The problem is, if I enable scroller_fixedColumns: <size>, select all checkbox (in <th>) is not working [column 4]. And how to make all the select all checkboxes working in multiple columns [column 4, 5, 6, ...] ?

And here is my DEMO

Your help is really appreciated! Thank you very much.

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