mardi 27 octobre 2015

Check Box DataBinding / MinWidth Problems

I am creating a UWP application and I want a simple check box, no text, for each entry in my ListView. If I add a checkbox control to my template for the listview, I get a big gap after the checkbox for the Content - event when the content is empty.

If I turn on multiselect in the listview so I get a nice checkbox for each row, I can't seem to figure out how to databind the check box for each row in the listview to the Selected property of my ViewModel.

Below is a picture of what I want the area of the check box to look like. This was generated using the SelectionMode="Multiple" on the listview. Remember - the problem with this approach is I can't seem to find a way to bind the check box to the Selected property of my ViewModel class. Image of using SelectionMode on ListView

Below is what it looks like if I remove the SeletionMode property and add a check box to my ItemTemplate. As you can see there is a huge gap between the check box and the area where the image will be due to the Checkbox control's minimum width of 120.

Image using ItemTemplate

Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.

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