I am new to Javascript, and I have a basic checkbox question to show/hide my geojson poverty data. I am trying to show this data as a choropleth map overlay on a mapbox baselayer upon checking the "Show Poverty Data" checkbox (here is the link). I am able to click on the checkbox to show/hide the overlay once, but after the first round of checking/unchecking, the overlay stops showing. Please help!!
L.mapbox.accessToken = 'pk.eyJ1IjoiemFrc2Nsb3NldCIsImEiOiJjaWY2dWxkc2gwcXBjczVtM3pnc3hydnI1In0.ABQHwIrVx95WhAVv_2JPeA';
var map = L.mapbox.map('map')
.setView([40.71, -74.00], 11)
function getColor(d) {
return d > 30 ? "#0868ac" :
d > 20 ? "#43a2ca" :
d > 10 ? "#7bccc4" :
d > 0 ? "#a8ddb5" :
//load poverty data
var povertyData = "http://ift.tt/1K9f6YV";
$.getJSON(povertyData, function(povertyData) {
//get unique poverty % values
var povertyFeatures = povertyData.features;
var uniquePoverty = [];
povertyFeatures.forEach(function(x) {
if (!povertyFeatures[x.properties.PopInPover]) {
povertyFeatures[x.properties.Poverty] = true;
//styling the choropleth
function style(feature) {
return {
fillColor: getColor(feature.properties.PopInPover),
weight: 1,
opacity: 0.3,
color: "#000",
dashArray: "1",
fillOpacity: 0.3
//add poverty data
var addPovertyData = L.geoJson(povertyData, {
style: style
//checkbox event to overlay poverty data
$(".checkbox-primary").click(function() {
if (this.checked) {
} else {
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