samedi 9 janvier 2016

How do I disable / enable sections of my website with PHP + Checkboxes?

I need help with enableing/disableing parts of my website.

    <p>Disabled Sections:</p>
    <form id="e-d-check" method="post">
        <input type="checkbox" name="SRS" onchange="document.getElementById('e-d-check').submit()">SkiRegionSimulator 2012</input>
        <input type="checkbox" name="Bilder" onchange="document.getElementById('e-d-check').submit()">Bilder</input>
        <input type="checkbox" name="KWS" onchange="document.getElementById('e-d-check').submit()">Klimawandel-Stunde</input>


                if (isset($_POST['SRS'])) {
                    echo 'Disabled SkiRegionSimulator 2012';
                } else {

Everytime I uncheck the box it checks itself again...

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