mercredi 24 février 2016

Angular 2: How to dynamically change the display of *ngFor?

I want to display an array of objects which have a group property in a list, and be able to display only those of a certain group depending on what the user wants.

In order to do that, I have checkboxes to collect the user's wish:

<div class="input-controls">
                <label>Select the group(s) you want to display:</label>
                <div *ngFor="#group of groups">
                        <input type="checkbox"
                               (change)="updateSelectedGroups(group, $event)"/>

And then, I would like to be able to only display the objects with their group property selected. I first tried to only display the selected groups:

Selected Group(s):
                <li *ngFor="#group of selectedGroups">

I have managed to create a selectedGroups object, which contains an array of only the selected groups:

export class ListComponent {
        private groupsMap = {
            'Group A': true,
            'Group B': true,
            'Group C': true
        private groups = ['Group A', 'Group B', 'Group C'];
        private selectedGroups: string[];

        constructor() {
            this.selectedGroups = ['Group A', 'Group B', 'Group C'];

        updateSelectedGroups(group, event) {
            // groupsMap object is updated
            this.groupsMap[group] =;
            // selected groups are pushed into selectedGroups
            this.selectedGroups = [];
            for(var x in this.groupsMap) {
                if(this.groupsMap[x]) {

As shown, I have put a console.log(this.selectedGroups) to verify that my selectedGroups object really only contains the selected groups I want, and update properly when checking/unchecking a checkbox. And it does.

The problem is, when I check/uncheck or checkbox, the list of the selected groups doesn't update in my view. It get stuck as if selectedGroups was still equal to ['Group A', 'Group B', 'Group C'] all the time.

Does anyone know why? Does it have something to do with the behaviour of *ngFor? If so, what can I do to have the behaviour I want?

I have tried an other method using *ngIf and groupsMap, but it doesn't work neither:

    <li *ngFor="#group of groups">
        <span *ngIf="groupsMap[group]">{{group}}</span>

I would be happy to find a solution, one way or another. Any help would be really appreciated, thank you!

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