mardi 29 mars 2016

How to get a list of checked boxes in grails

In grails, I am trying to get a list of checked check boxes. I have the list of check boxes, but my issues are two:

1) when I click on a single item in the list and click submit - I only get the value "on". If I click more than one check box item, I get something like this:


2). I do not get a list or the name of the item checked.

Here is my code for the check boxes in the gsp:

<g:form action="submitForm">
    <ul class="columns3">
        <g:each in="${name}" var="fileName" >
            <g:checkBox value="${false}" name="${ 'fileName'}" /> ${fileName.replaceFirst(~/\.[^\.]+$/, '')}<br>
    <g:submitButton name="Submit"/>

and here is the controller code (groovy):

class Read_dirController {

    def index() { 

        def list = []

        def dir = new File("/home/ironmantis/Documents/business/test_files")
        dir.eachFileRecurse (FileType.FILES) { file ->
          list << file

        list.each {
            println\.[^\.]+$/, '')

        render(view: "index",  model: [])



        def displayForm() { }

        def submitForm(String fileName) {
            render fileName
            //render(view: "tests_checked", fileName)

I tried to bind an id to the check boxes, but I keep getting an exception error.

Any help you can give I truly appreciate it; I am new to grails.


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