I am having a problem with checkboxes using jquery and php. I am adding rows of hours and I want to add a Overtime checkbox which is on the form but when I use the jquery to add the data to a new line to allow for adding multiple rows for adding to the database after I cant get it to add the checkbox my Form data is as below.
I want to add the checkbox (Is Checked / Not Checked) and also the value of 0 not checked and 1 if checked.
the field is called add_overtime_hours
<!-- this ext section is the Adding Hours on the jobsheet -->
<script type="text/javascript">
var rownumhours = 0;
function addhours(frm) {
rownumhours ++;
<!-- the next part creates the html to add dynamic fields into the Div hoursrow
var hoursrow = '<p id="rownumhours'+rownumhours+'">Start Time: <input type="text" name="add_start[]" size="4" value="'+frm.add_start.value+'"> Finish Time: <input type="text" name="add_finish[]" value="'+frm.add_finish.value+'"> Date: <input type="text" name="add_date[]" value="'+frm.add_date.value+'"> Overtime: <input type="checkbox" name="add_overtime_hours[]" size="1" value="'+frm.add_overtime_hours.value+' "> <input type="button" value="Remove" onclick="removeRow('+rownumhours+');"></p>';
<!-- the next part looks at the partsrow div lower in the page and then appends the values to the row variable above -->
frm.add_start.value = '';
frm.add_finish.value = '';
frm.add_overtime_hours.value = 'N';
frm.add_date.value = '';
function removeRow(rnum) {
td colspan="3" align="left"><div id="hoursrow">
<p> <span class="text">Hours Labour :</span></span></p>
<p> <span class="headings"><span class="text"><span class="hours">Start Time:
<input type="time" name="add_start" size="4" />
Finish Time:
<input type="time" name="add_finish" size="4" />
<input type="date" name="add_date" size="4" />
<input type="checkbox" name="add_overtime_hours" id="add_overtime_hours" Value="1" size="1" maxlength="1" />
</span></span><span class="text"><span class="hours">
<input onclick="addhours(this.form);" type="button" value="Add Labour" />
<p class="headings"><span class="text"><span class="hours">
<span class="info">(This row will not be saved unless you click on "Add Labour" first) </span></span></span></p>
<td width="7"></td>
<td> </td>
thank you for any help that can be given on what I am doing wrong.
thank you
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