lundi 29 août 2016

JavaFX8 CheckBoxTreeItem disable antialiasing in popup

In order for the end-user to constrain a search to some columns of the main TableView, I needed a treeview with checkboxes. I decided to embed this TreeView in a popup, showing on click on a custom button.

I have created the following class, inspired from the question: Java FX8 TreeView in a table cell

public class CustomTreeMenuButton extends MenuButton {
    private PopupControl popup = new PopupControl();
    private TreeView<? extends Object> tree;
    private CustomTreeMenuButton me = this;

    public void setTree(TreeView<? extends Object> tree){

    public CustomTreeMenuButton() {
                        new EventHandler<MouseEvent>() {

                            public void handle(MouseEvent event)

                                    Bounds b = me.localToScreen(me.getBoundsInLocal());
                                    double x = b.getMinX();
                                    double y = b.getMaxY();


                                    popup.setSkin(new Skin<Skinnable>(){
                                        public void dispose() {
                                        public Node getNode() {
                                            return tree;
                                        public Skinnable getSkinnable() {
                                            return null;


The tree I am working with contains CheckBoxTreeItem objects, and while the popup is working, there is some weird blur on all checkboxes, whenever the focus is not on a checkbox. (See GIF below)

CheckBoxTreeItem Blur

First, I was thinking it was maybe an antialiasing problem, but popup.getScene().getAntiAliasing().toString() returns DISABLED

Then, I saw that non integer anchor points could cause problems. However popup.setAutoFix(true) did nothing, nor did the following:

popup.setAnchorX(new Double(x).intValue());
popup.setAnchorY(new Double(y).intValue());

It might be worth noting that I am working with FXML.

How can I get sharp checkboxes regardless of their focus ?

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