samedi 17 septembre 2016

Checkbox if condition?

so I have an android app with 2 Activities 1 - Main 2 - Second

Main activity has 1 single checkbox in a RelativeLayout I want to know how to use the checkbox to make a condition where if the check box is checked I want to make the ImageView = VISIBLE and the TextView = GONE in the Second activity and vice versa if its unchecked.

I have tried to use shared preferences and also intent but I keep messing up somewhere where either the checkbox wont matter or the screen just ends up showing blank. One other thing is that in Main activity I have a button that has onClick and already has an intent. I just want to know how to create the if condition with the checkbox for the Second activity. Sadly I would post my entire code but I have scrambled it up so bad trying to figure this out its all over the place and doesn't make sense anymore.

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