jeudi 22 septembre 2016

javaFX CheckBox isSelected from other class

public class controller implements Initializable{

@FXML CheckBox chBox;

public void initialize(URL location, ResourceBundle resources) {


  }end of initialize
}//end of class

i set up the check box in controller class and i made new editting cell class to edit tableview only if checkbox is selected.

    public class editingCell {

    public void startEdit(){



    //i made checkbox status method
    public boolean checkBoxStatus(){
   Parent parent = FXMLLoader.load(getClass().getResource("root.fxml"));
    CheckBox cBox = parent.lookup("#chBox")
             return true;
      }catch(Exception e){}

       return false;



but cBox.isSelected always return false even if box is checked. how can i solve this problem??

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