jeudi 1 décembre 2016

Getting wrong number of array of checkboxes when its checked

I have a loop of processes. And for each process there is checkbox:

    echo "<div class='proc'> <pre>";
    echo "<h6 >Process: ".$proc[$y]."      "   ;
    echo "People required: ".$num[$y].".      ";    
    echo "<input type='hidden' name='link[]' value='0'/><input type='checkbox' name='link[]' value='1'><i title='De-Activate Process' class='fi-link'></i>Connect Process</input></h6></pre>";
<input type = "submit" style="margin-left:300px; width:150px;" id="savebutton" name ="submit" class="button" value = "Create Project" onclick="userSubmitted = true;"/>

After submitting form I got the problem:

$link = $_POST["link"];


foreach( $process as $proc => $eq ) 

    echo "process: ".$eq." number: ".$number[$proc]." Process linked: yes<br>";
    echo "process: ".$eq." number: ".$number[$proc]." Process linked: no<br>";

So if all checkboxes are eempty I got this: zero input When i check each checkbox system adds 0 to the array for each process: one input

Why does it happen? Thanks for any help

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