i have setup a bunch of checkboxes on our website next to products and when they click submit after choosing their options it opens up the email client with a pre formatted email automatically filled in with the options selected. However there are a couple things id like to change/add but my knowledge is basic when it comes to javascript.
Submit button:
<button onclick="sendMail(); return false">Request Quote</button></div>
<label><div id="checkboxarea"><input type="checkbox" name="product 1" />buy</label>
<script type='text/javascript' src='http://ift.tt/Y75GEe'></script>
<script type='text/javascript' src='http://ift.tt/2h6cy8Y'></script>
<script type='text/javascript'>
function sendMail() {
var mailbody = "I would like a quote for the following titles: \n\n"
+ $('input[type="checkbox"]').map(
function(id, box){ return (box.checked ? "[x]" : "[ ]") + " " + box.name;}
var link = "mailto:email@example.com"
+ "?cc=myCCaddress@example.com"
+ "&subject=" + escape("SCREENERS: REQUEST QUOTE")
+ "&body=" + escape(mailbody);
window.location.href = link;
$( "#checklist" ).sisyphus();
i'd like to change (if possible) when the email is generated it currently includes all the option that weren't selected, for example:
[x] product 1
[x] product 2
[ ] product 3
[ ] product 4
[x] product 5
is it possible to only add the selected products to the email?
also i'd like to add a text area field so they can add a comment/note that will also be added to the email along with the options when they click submit
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