jeudi 23 février 2017

How to properly use checkboxes and radio in Ionic 2

How to properly use checkboxes and radios in forms of ionic framework 2.
Here is my code below I implemented:
about.html file

<form #addForm="ngForm" novalidate>
<ion-simple-wizard [(step)]="step" [showSteps]="false" (finish)="onFinish()" [finishIcon]="'done-all'" [(stepCondition)]="stepCondition">
    <ion-card class="card-wizard">
        <ion-card-title text-wrap>Some Checkbox title</ion-card-title>

              <ion-label>Value 1</ion-label>
              <ion-checkbox value="Value 1" [(ngModel)]="test.checkbox_one" [ngModelOptions]="{standalone: true}"></ion-checkbox>

        <button ion-button outline (click)="toggle()">Press to Continue</button>

about.ts file

export class AboutPage {
  test: {checkbox_one?: string} = {};
    public platform: Platform,
    public navCtrl: NavController,
    public actionSheetCtrl: ActionSheetController,
    public alertCtrl: AlertController,
    public evts: Events ) { }
   onFinish() {

here response is: {checkbox_one: true}

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