Whenever I check a checkbox on a listing page, save it then go to page eg 2 (using pagination) and check something there and save it the checkbox on my first page is unchecked. I thought about using AJAX to save checked checkboxes to grails session but don't know how to do that - I'm beginner with JS and using views. Could someone help me out? Here is the part with listing all companies and checkboxes in my gsp:
<g:form name="company-list-form" action="listCompany">
<g:textField id="search-field" name="query" value="${params.query}"/>
<g:checkBox id="only-blockades-box" name="onlyBlockades" class="submit-on-change" value="${params.onlyBlockades}" title="Pokaż tylko blokady"/>
<label for="only-blockades-box">Tylko blokady</label>
<g:actionSubmit value="${message(code: 'default.buttons.search', default: 'Szukaj')}" action="listCompany" class="button_orange"/>
<g:link action="listCompany" class="button_gray"><g:message code="default.buttons.clean" default="Wyczyść"/></g:link>
<div class="padding-top">
<table class="table_td company-list-table">
<tr class="gray2">
<th class="first">Id</th>
<th style="max-width: 100px;">Nazwa</th>
<th>Id Kontrahenta</th>
<th title="Dostęp do TPO">TPO</th>
<th style="width: 20px;" title="Dostawa bezpośrednio do magazynu">Dostawa bezpośrednio</th>
<th style="width: 20px;" title="Możliwość potwierdzania zamówień">Potwierdzanie zamówień</th>
<th style="width: 20px;" title="Możliwość importowania awizacji z XLS">Import z Excel</th>
<th style="width: 20px;" title="Możliwość awizowania zamówionych indeksów">Awizacja zam. indeksów</th>
<th style="width: 20px;" title="Możliwość awizowania tygodniowego">Awizacja tyg.</th>
<th style="width: 20px;" title="Dostęp jedynie do awizowania tygodniowego">Tylko awizacja tyg.</th>
<th title="Limit AGD przypadający na każdą kratkę okna prywatnego">AGD</th>
<th title="Limit rowerów przypadający na każdą kratkę okna prywatnego">Rowery</th>
<th class="is-blocked-th">Zablokowany?</th>
<g:each in="${companyInstanceList}" var="company" status="i">
<tr class="${(i % 2) == 0 ? 'even' : 'odd'} table_td_gray2 ${i + 1 == companyInstanceList?.size() ? 'last' : ''}">
<td class="first" style="text-decoration: underline;">
<g:link action="editCompany" id="${company?.id}">${company?.id}</g:link>
<g:checkBox name="tpoAccess.${company?.id}" id="tpo-access-${company?.id}"
<g:checkBox name="directDeliveryAvailable.${company?.id}"
<g:checkBox name="accessToOrderConfirmation.${company?.id}"
<g:checkBox name="accessToXlsImport.${company?.id}"
<g:checkBox name="accessToOrderedProductsAvisation.${company?.id}"
<g:checkBox name="accessToLimitedAvisation.${company?.id}"
<g:checkBox name="accessOnlyToLimitedAvisation.${company?.id}"
<input type="text" name="agdPrivateWindowLimit.${company?.id}"
class="shortText" id="agd-private-window-limit-${company?.id}"
<input type="text" name="bicyclePrivateWindowLimit.${company?.id}"
class="shortText" id="bicycle-private-window-limit-${company?.id}"
<g:link class="button_gray" controller="productGroup" action="list" params="[companyId: company?.id, query: params.query ?: '']">
<g:if test="${company?.findBlockades()}">
<span title="Dostawca ma aktywne blokady grup towarowych." class="bold large">
<div class="paginateButtons">
<g:paginate controller="company" action="listCompany" total="${companyInstanceTotal}"
params="[query: params.query ?: '']"/>
<div style="float:right;">
<g:link action="createCompany" class="button_orange">
<g:message code="default.button.create.label" default="Utwórz"/>
<g:actionSubmit action="updateCompanies" name="companyListSubmit" class="button_orange" value="Zapisz"/>
Here is my javascript file associated with that view:
function validateLimits(name) {
document.getElementsByName(name)[0].value = document.getElementsByName(name)[0].value.replace(/[A-Za-z!@#$%^&*" "]/g, "");
var quantity = document.getElementsByName(name)[0].value;
var toBeAvised = 9999;
if (quantity.indexOf(',') > -1 || quantity.indexOf('.') > -1 || /*quantity == "" ||*/ isNaN(quantity)) {
alert("Limit musi być liczbą całkowitą");
document.getElementsByName(name)[0].value = '';
} else if (parseInt(quantity) > toBeAvised) {
alert("Podana liczba jest większa niż maksymalny limit równy " +toBeAvised + ".");
document.getElementsByName(name)[0].value = '';
} else if (parseInt(quantity) < 0) {
alert("Limit musi być liczbą dodatnią!");
document.getElementsByName(name)[0].value = '';
And here is controller method (listCompany):
def listCompany(Integer max) {
Person person = Person.read(springSecurityService.principal.id)
Company comp = person?.company
params.max = Math.min(max ?: 25, 100)
params.offset = params.offset ?: 0
params.readOnly = true
String q = (params.query as String)?.toLowerCase() ?: ""
def query = Company.where {
id != comp?.id
name =~ "%$q%" || idKontrahenta as String =~ "%$q%"
if (params.onlyBlockades == "on") {
id in ProductGroupBlockade.findAllByCompanyIsNotNullAndEnabled(true)*.companyId
List<Company> companyInstanceList = query.list([max: params.int("max"), offset: params.int("offset"), sort: "name"])
Integer count = query.count()
if (flash.message) {
params.errors = flash.message
[companyInstanceList: companyInstanceList, companyInstanceTotal: count, companySaved: params.companySaved, errors: params.errors]
How I could fix that so my checkboxes stay checked after saving? Right now they become unchecked whenever I go to next page and save some checkboxes there.
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