mercredi 22 mars 2017

Simple form custom wrapper: disabled checkboxes

Simple form documentation about collection_check_boxes:

  [[true, 'Yes'], [false, 'No']], 
  :first, :last,
  checked: checked_values,
  disabled: disabled_values)

They recommend to use disabled: disabled_values as passed attribute (disabled => the value or values that should be disabled. Accepts a single item or an array of items.) and it works ok with default wrapper.

But when I use custom wrapper disabled attribute is not considered:

  :last, :first,
  checked: form.object.available_languages,
  collection_wrapper_tag: 'div',
  collection_wrapper_class: 'available_languages col-sm-3',
  item_wrapper_tag: 'div',
  item_wrapper_class: 'language-item',
  disabled: 'de')

Is there a way to use disabled with custom wrappers?

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