mardi 9 mai 2017

Cakephp: Enabling/Disabling textbox when checkbox being checked/unchecked

Need Help to Solve This!

Using Cakephp, I do listing that displays name(some text), checkbox and textbox. What I need is when the checkbox is being checked, the textbox should be enabled, otherwise it should be disabled. I tried out. but it is not working as i desire.

Here is the code and its jquery.

          <?php $count = 0; ?>
          <?php foreach ($get_resources['learnings'] as $learnings): ?>
                  <?php $control_id = $this->SDNTextUtils->cleanCssIdentifier($learnings['name']); ?>

          <div class="switch">
        <?= $this->Form->label($control_id, __($learnings['name'])); ?></div></td>
     <div class="switch">
    <?= $this->Form->checkbox("lrng_permission[$count][permission]", ['class' => 'cmn-toggle cmn-toggle-round', 'id' => $control_id, 'name'=>'idd']); ?>

     <?= $this->Form->label($learnings['name'], ''); ?>

    <?= $this->Form->hidden("lrng_permission[$count][resource_name]", ['value' => $learnings['name']]); ?> 

    <?= $this->Form->hidden("lrng_permission[$count][resource_type]", ['value' => 'Learning']); ?></td>

    <td> <?= $this->Form->number('',['label'=>false,'id'=>'check1','disabled' => 'disabled']); ?>


<?php $count ++; ?>
<?php endforeach; ?>

//Here is the JQuery

<script src=""></script>
<script type="text/javascript"> 

       var checked=$('#idd').is(':checked');
        } else {



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