mercredi 3 mai 2017

Click IE checkbox inside a iframe in VBA

I'm trying to click on a checkbox and then click on download using Internet Explorer by means of VBA, but my code is unable to find the right element, even by tagname or id. It seems the elements I need to find and check are hidden or unavailable.

I also tried to find the elements through "for loop" in ".all" elements of the IE document.

the URL is: ""

the checkbox is: input type="checkbox" id="chkArquivoDownload23_ativo" name="chkArquivoDownload_ativo" value="23" onclick="tratarSelecaoArquivo(event, this, '_ativo');" class="Mercado de Ações - Superfície de Volatilidade em Delta para opções sobre Ações" aria-invalid="false"

and the download button is: input type="submit" class="button" id="imgSubmeter_ativo" name="imgSubmeter" value="Download"

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