I am angular2 beginner. I am try to display checkbox values on screen if checkbox is checked and checkbox is unchecked so remove the value. I am use formGroup and formArray in angular2.
Html code here :-
<form [formGroup] = "testForm">
<div formArrayName="extras">
<span *ngFor="let extra of extras; let i = index" formGroupName="">
<label class="btn btn-primary" formControlName="" btnCheckbox [(ngModel)] = "extra.status"></label>
<!-- Display values of extras -->
<div *ngIf="getFormValues?.extras">
<span *ngFor="let extra of getFormValues?.extras; let i = index>
Component.ts code here
extras:any = [
{ value: 'good', display: 'good', status: 'false'},
{ value: 'bed', display: 'bed', status: 'false'},
{ value: 'nice', display: 'bed', status: 'false'},
let allextras: FormArray = new FormArray([]);
for (let i = 0; i < this.extras.length; i++) {
let fg = new FormGroup({});
fg.addControl(this.extras[i].value, new FormControl(false))
this.testForm.valueChanges.subscribe( (form: any) => {
this.getFormValues = form;
This code is work well but does not display value of checkbox if checked the checkbox and visa versa. Thanks!
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