lundi 22 mai 2017

Search in sqlite database by criterias selected with checkbox

I have in my app a database with two tables : country and rights. Long story short, the db tells me whether a right (there is 10 rights in total) is legal or not in a specific country.

Now, I want the user to be able to search in my db by criterias. I have a layout with checkbox. If the user check a box, it mean he want to see every country in where the right is legal. For exemple, if he check the box "criteria1" and "criteria6", the user want the list of every country where criteria1 and criteria6 are legal, but we don't care wether the other rights are legal or not.

I asigned values to the checkboxs (1 if legal, 0 if illegal, just like in my db) and passes all of them to the activity who display the result of the search. My problem is, I can't figure out how to search in my database. I need to only get the country where where the selected criters are equal to 1, but I don't know how to formulate my sql request (since I never know which criterias are going to be checked or not). My request need to only be about the criterias who has the value 1.

I had the idea of sending all my values to a function (witch returns a cursor) where I excecute a select statement if the value is equal to one, but I don't know how I could join all the result of my selects in a cursor. I also thought about using "CASE WHEN..." but it doesn't seem to work.

Does anyone have a clue on how I could deal with my search ?

If you need precisions on my problem, please ask.

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