I'm using 2008 and .NET 3.5
I want to check the checkboxes of my ListView.
When I click on checkbox even if i click on 6th row first and 6th checkboxes are both checked, but if i click somewhere else, not on checkbox, the checkbox of this row is checked well.
How ever as I changed the filter s >= 0 to s > 0 (which was causing checking the first and the checkbox I clicked at same time the both) Now for checking the the first checkbox either I should double click the row or on the checkbox. The rest of the rows with single click works well.
The method that i use for checking the checkboxes when clicked somewhere else (not on checkbox) is :
int s = 0;
s = rapview.FocusedItem.Index;
catch (NullReferenceException)
if (trsfLst && s > 0)
rapview.FocusedItem.Checked = !rapview.FocusedItem.Checked;
rapview.FocusedItem.Focused = false;
if (rapview.SelectedItems.Count == 0 || trsfLst)
What I look for is there way to detect if I clicked on checkbox or somewhere else (on a row) ?
PS: trsfLst is a control that tells if i am in checking the checkboxes or update mode the rest of the method depends of trsfLst is true or false.
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