samedi 19 août 2017

failed to call javascript function click on checkbox

i am unable to call javascript function when checked the checkbox. i used onclick, onchange, onsubmit all method . but it is unable to run, kindly help to solve the problem. i show the checkbox in table, when i click the check box it call the javascript method and after running the php query change the label text.

                                                <input type="checkbox" name="confirmchecked" value="" id="confirmcheck<?php echo $rows[0] ?>" onclick="ConfirmStatus('<?php echo $rows[0] ?>');">
                                                <span id="confirm<?php echo $rows[0]; ?>">Check to confirm </span>

                                                    <span id="confirm<?php echo $rows[0]; ?>">Valid Order </span>


here is the javascript code , which is declare in the head tag of html

<script type="text/javascript">
    function ConfirmStatus(id)
        if (document.getElementById('confirmcheck'+id ).checked)
            document.getElementById('confirm'+id).innerHTML="Valid Order";
            $sql="UPDATE order_details SET isViewed=1 WHERE orderID="?>id<?php";" or die("query");
            $result = mysqli_query(include("connectionDataDb.php"),$sql);
            alert('Order is verified sucessfully');


    function CompleteStatus(id , status)

        if (document.getElementById('completecheck'+id ).checked)


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