mardi 8 août 2017

Ionic2 checkbox issue in segments

I have a screen like this.


Here I am selecting checkboxes from the 1st segment(Man Segment) & going to the second segment(Woman segment) to select other checkboxes from woman segment. But when I back to the 1st segment all my previous checkboxes are unchecked although I can see there are value in the selected form control. I have taken a formarray & pushing a new formcontrol with value each time I check & removing when unchecked.

I am adding the code for better understanding.

constructor(public fb : FormBuilder){
   this.checkboxForm ={
        categories : this.fb.array([],CustomValidators.multipleCheckboxRequireAtleastOne)

updateCheckedOptions(category, isChecked) {
   const categories = <FormArray>this.checkboxForm.controls['categories'];
   if(isChecked) {
     categories.push(new FormControl(category));
  else {
     let index = categories.controls.findIndex(x => ==;


And in the view

 <form [formGroup]="checkboxForm" (ngSubmit)="onSubmit(checkboxForm.value)">
     <ng-template *ngFor="let category of categories; let i=index">
        <ion-checkbox (ionChange)="updateCheckedOptions(category,$event.checked)">
     <button type="submit" ion-button [disabled]="!checkboxForm.valid">go next</button>

Please help with your suggestion.

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