mardi 8 août 2017

PhantomJs enable checkboxes

I have a webpage having multiple tables with check boxes. On UI, onclick of a button all the checkboxes are enabled. I want to automate this process using phantomjs.

I tried clicking the button from phantomjs - it does click but does not enable check boxes. I tried enabling single checkbox. But it did not enable. Is it unable to find selectAll()? Is there anyway to debug phantomjs.

 function () {
    page.evaluate(function () {
        if ($("id_SelectAllButton").click())
            if (!this.checked)
                document.getElementById("id_checkbox1").disabled = false;


 <div class='Section1'>
 <h3>Section 1</h3>
 <table width='90%'>
        <td colspan='4'>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<input id = 'id_SelectAllButton' type='button' value='SelectAll' onclick='selectAll(this.parentElement)'/></td>
        <td class='b'>Name</td>
        <td class='b'>DOB</td>
        <td class='b'>Rank</td>
        <td><input id='id_checkbox1' type='checkbox'></td>

I really appreciate your help!

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