jeudi 2 novembre 2017

checkbox checking all siblings of nested checkbox inside a td

please help me how to: check all the siblings if the checkbox parent is check, and also if some child/children of a checkbox was checked, then the parent also must be checked. How can i do this?

i have this in my laravel code:

<table class="table table-hover" id="tableOrders">                                    
    <thead class="thead-inverse">                        
          <th width="4%"><input type="checkbox" id="selectAll" /></th>
          <th width="7%">USER ID</th>
          <th width="12%">AMOUNT</th>
          <th width="15%">SHIP DATE</th>
          <th width="15%">RECEIVER</th>
          <th width="20%">ADDRESS</th>
          <th width="14%">MOBILE #</th>
         <?php $i=0 ?>                             
         @foreach($shippings as $data)                             

            <td><input type="checkbox" class="parent" name="shippings[][]" value="" />&nbsp;</td>                                
            <td><a href="#" data-value="" class="linkedit">  </a></td>
            <td><a href="#" data-value="" class="linkedit">  </a></td>
            <td><a href="#" data-value="" class="linkedit">  </a></td>
            <td><a href="#" data-value="" class="linkedit">  </a></td>
            <td><a href="#" data-value="" class="linkedit">  </a></td>   
            <td><a href="#" data-value="" class="linkedit">  </a></td>                                
            <td><p style="font-weight:bold;">Product Name</p></td>
            <td><p style="font-weight:bold;">Price</p></td>
            <td><p style="font-weight:bold;">Ordered Qty</p></td>
            <td><p style="color:red;font-weight: bold;">Available Qty</p></td>
          @foreach($data->products as $product)

                  <td><input type="checkbox" class="child" name="shippings[][products][]" value="" />&nbsp;</td>                
                  <td><p style="color:red;"> </p></td>                                      
          <?php $i++; ?>                            

I have my jsfiddle link:

I am very confused because i did it in my laravel loop, but the structure of it is in the jsfiddle.

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