dimanche 3 décembre 2017

Kivy - How to Add Dynamic Checkbox List in ListView or other Container

I want to add a dynamic checkbox list in kivy (that I can add, remove, or edit items) that correspond to a python list. I've already read this article Kivy Language Dynamic Checkbox List but no dice there. I'm trying to implement this on the python side with add_widget within a for loop (each item will have its own row, that will go into a gridview with 3 columns, one for a checkbox, one for a label, and the other for another checkbox). But kivy is giving me grief about it. I've also found the listadapter, but there's only a ButtonList within it, I've tried to add my own CheckBoxList but that's proven problematic as well (I don't have the exact errors as I was doing this several days ago). I'm using a screen manager for multiple screens and am using a .kv file. Not sure if you can add_widgets on the python side and have the .kv file at the same time. Thanks in advance.

python file:

class MainScreen(Screen):

food_database = [['salmon', 34, 23, 30, 400], ['another food', 34, 23, 2, 700], ['fat burger', 40, 34, 39, 478]]

class CustomFoodListView():
    def __init__(self, **kwargs):
        g = GridLayout(cols=3)
        for item in self.food_database:
            g.add_widget(CheckBox(id=item[0]))                  # checkbox first field
            g.add_widget(CheckBox(id=item[0]+'_exclude'))       # checkbox second field

# class FoodListView(ListItemCheckBox):
#     pass

# class CustomFoodListView():
#     food_database = [['salmon', 34, 23, 30, 300], ['another food', 34, 23, 2, 400], ['fat burger', 40, 34, 39, 500]]
#     widgey = GridLayout(cols=3)
#     for i in food_database:
#         widgey.add_widget(CheckBox(id=i[0], size_hint=[0.2, 0.10]))
#         widgey.add_widget(Label(text=i[0], size_hint=[0.2, 0.10]))
#         widgey.add_widget(CheckBox(id=i[0]+'_exclude', size_hint=[0.2, 0.10]))

def sample_function(self):
    print 'test fubar'
    # search_data = search_page.text
    # soup = BeautifulSoup(search_data, 'html5lib')
    # print soup.prettify()
    # self.dynamic_food_list.append('another fooder')

def add_food_item(self):
    print 'test foo'
    # print self.dynamic_food_list
    # self.food_list.append("New Item here!")
    # print self.dynamic_food_list
    # # get the food item description/ details
    # new_item = 'NEW ITEM!'
    # # add to the listview
    # self.food_list.adapter.data.extend([new_item])
    # # reset the listview
    # self.food_list._trigger_reset_populate()

def remove_food_item(self):

    print 'foo2'
    # print 'selection!:', self.food_list.adapter.selection
    # for item in self.food_list.adapter.data:
    # #print self.food_list.adapter.data
    #     print item
    #     #print item.text
    #     print item.active
    # # if a list item is selected
    # if self.food_list.adapter.selection:
    #     # get the text from the item selected
    #     selection = self.food_list.adapter.selection.text
    #     # remove the matching item
    #     self.food_list.adapter.data.remove(selection)
    #     # reset the listview
    #     self.food_list._trigger_reset_populate()

def edit_food_item(self):

    print 'foo3'
    # # if a list item is selected
    #     # get the text from the item selected
    #     selection = self.food_list.adapter.selection[0].text
    #     # remove the matching item
    #     self.food_list.adapter.data.remove(selection)
    #     # get the text from the item selected
    #     new_item = 'NEW ITEM!'
    #     # add the updated data to the list
    #     self.food_list.adapter.data.extend([new_item])
    #     # reset the listview
    #     self.food_list._trigger_reset_populate()

.kv file:

    #transition: FadeTransition()

    name: "main"

    size_hint: 1, .9
    pos_hint: {"top": 1}
    cols: 2
    #rows: 10
    spacing: 8
        orientation: "vertical"
            #id: food_list_view
            #pos_hint: {"left": 1, "top": 1}
            #size_hint: 1, .9
                #ListAdapter(data= root.food_database, cls=root.CustomFoodListView)
            pos_hint: {"left": 1, "top": .9}
            size_hint_y: None
            height: "40dp"
            size_hint: 1, .1
                size_hint_x: 15
                on_release: root.add_food_item()
                text: "(+) Add Food Item"
                size_hint_x: 15
                on_release: root.remove_food_item()
                text: "(-) Remove Food Item"
                size_hint_x: 15
                on_release: root.edit_food_item()
                text: "Edit Food Item"
            on_release: root.sample_function()
            text: "Get Next Foods to Eat"
            pos_hint: {"right": 1, "top": 1}
            size_hint: 0.5, 0.1

    size_hint: 1, .1
    orientation: "horizontal"
    pos_hint: {"bottom": 1}
    spacing: 5
    padding: 5
            app.root.current = "main"
            root.manager.transition.direction = 'right'
        text: "Home1"
        font_size: 50
        #background_normal: ''
        #background_down: 'bkgnd-down-color.png'
        #background_color: .88, .88, .88, 1
            app.root.current = "settings"
            root.manager.transition.direction = 'left'
        text: "Settings1"
        font_size: 50
        #background_normal: ''
        #background_down: 'bkgnd-down-color.png'
        #background_color: .88, .88, .88, 1
            app.root.current = "metrics"
            root.manager.transition.direction = 'left'
        text: "Progress1"
        font_size: 50
        #background_normal: ''
        #background_down: 'bkgnd-down-color.png'
        #background_color: .88, .88, .88, 1

    name: "settings"

If the checkboxes are able to be added to the MainScreen, I want to scan through the checkboxlist at any time to know what checkbox items are active.

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