In a table I have a list of users,and some options that I can selecte for them.
||USER || OPTIONs ||
||User1 || Opt1 || Opt2 ||
||User2 || Opt1 || Opt2 ||
The users are displayed as radio button, the options are checkboxes of info about the user that I want to display(both/just one at time).
1 I want to disable the selection of the options if you didn't select the user before them. After the user is selected you can select the options you want
2 I need to change something in the code becose if now I select the user 1 and the option 1, and then I select the user 2 I can see the info for the option 1 of user 2 without clicking on the option 1 check box.
This is my code:
<template name="patients">
<label><input type="radio" class="selected" name="patient" value=""> </label>
<div class="patinf">
<label><input type="checkbox" class="infos" name="" id="showInfos"><span>OPT1</span></label>
<label><input type="checkbox" class="answers" name="" id="showAnswers"><span>OPT2</i></span></label>
<template name="display">
<div name="showInfos">
<h4>Infos for </h4>
<div name="showAnswers">
<h4>Answers for </h4>
This is my JS
Users: function() {
return Meteor.users.find({});
'click .selected': function (){
var selPat = $('input[name="patient"]:checked').val();
'click .infos': function(){
Session.set("infosClicked", true);
'click .answers': function(){
Session.set("answersClicked", true);
isInfosClicked: function(){
return Session.get("infosClicked");
isAnswersClicked: function(){
return Session.get("answersClicked");
data: function(){
var PAT= Meteor.users.findOne({ _id: Session.get("selPat")});
return PAT;
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