mercredi 6 juin 2018

How to.. Get the avg of the checked row for the the values “value” checked in AngularJS + HTML

I'm learning AngularJS and now I want to know how to make the average of the checked values for the value entity, please teach/show me how.

Here you have a plunker w/ my code:

And for those one who don't want to enter the link.

View HTML:

 <table style="border: 1px solid black">
<tbody ng-repeat= "values in getSelected()">
<p>Average: </p>

Controller code:

$scope.getSelected = function () {
  var ar = $scope.employees.filter(
    function (value) {
  if (value.checked == 1) {
    return true;
  } else {
    return false;

  return ar;
$scope.getSum = function() {
  return $scope.getSelected().reduce((sum, item) => {
return (sum + item.value);
  }, 0);


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