mardi 5 juin 2018

How to.. Get the sum of the checked row for the the values "value" checked in AngularJS + HTML

​ I'm a newbie when it comes to Angular, but, I really want to improve myself and learn, butttt now I have a big big problem.

​ I don't know how to get the sum for every row I checked ..only for the value entity.

​ Here you have a plunker with my try code.

Thanks alot !

<table style="border: 1px solid black">
  <tbody ng-repeat= "values in getSelected()">
      $scope.employees = [
     { id:"1", name: "A",              address: "A1", value:10},
     { id:"2", name: "B",            address: "A2",value:15 },
     { id:"3", name: "C",            address: "A3",value:20},
     { id:"4", name: "D",             address: "A4",value:25 },
     { id:"5", name: "E",             address: "A5" ,value:30},]

     $scope.getSelected = function () {
     var ar = $scope.employees.filter(
     function (value) {
     if (value.checked == 1) {
     return true; }
     else { return false;
      }} );    
     return ar;

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