I'm working on a searchfilter on 70+ checkbox choices. On each page from a multipage I've generated 44 checkboxes from an excel sheet.
I'm almost done with the searchfilter. My only issue is that I can't find a way to move a checkbox on page2 to page1 of a multipage.
Moving the checkbox to page1 will preserve the selection of the checkboxes so that is the reason to NOT generate the checkboxes again. Another reason is that the generation of checkboxes is will freeze the userform for a couple seconds.
Currently I've the following idea to move the checkbox on page2 to page1:
C.Parent.Name = "Page" &VAR_Sub.curMultipage + 1
However changing the Parent.Name doesn't seem to move the checkbox to page1. I"ve confirmed that C.Parent.Name was Page2 and it has changed to Page1. C is the checkbox.
The code for looping:
For Each C In UserForm1.MultiPage1.Pages(UserForm1.MultiPage1.Value).Controls If TypeName(C) = "CheckBox" Then VAR_Sub.i = VAR_Sub.i + 1 If InStr(1, C.Caption, strSearchTerm, vbTextCompare) = 0 Then C.Visible = False Else C.Visible = True If Var_Sub.i > 44 Then chkName = C.Parent.Name 'MsgBox "OLD" & chkName C.Parent.Name = "Page" & VAR_Sub.curMultiPage + 1 chkName = C.Parent.Name 'MsgBox "NEW" & chkName End If ''Below more positioning code .... End If
Thanks in advance and kind regards. PS: If my post is lacking something, please give me a heads up. I will improve it.
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