mercredi 25 juillet 2018

jQuery Ajax can't change checkbox state

I am trying to change a checkbox state but it does not seems to work. This is my code:


<div class="input_container">
    <input type="checkbox" name="active"/>


    url: 'includes/exproty.php',
    type: 'post',
    data: { 'product_id' : '100'},
    success: function(data) {
        var product_details = JSON.parse(data);
        if (product_details.is_published) {
            $("[name='active']").checked = true;
        } else {
            $("[name='active']").checked = false;

The console.log inside the if is used in order for me to confirm the condition is met and the code inside the if is executed.

I also tried this:

$("[name='active']").prop('checked', true);

But it does not work either.

I know for certain the condition is met and is executing (thanks to the console.log).

If needed any more information, ask for it and I will try to provide it. Thanks!

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