mercredi 12 décembre 2018

How to conditionally render extra form options on checking dynamically generated check boxes in React?

can anyone help, i'm trying this as a learning exercise in React but i'm really stuck.

I have 3 checkboxes on a child component that i have rendered dynamically using an array of options in state (in the parent component):

What i need to be able to do is, as per the below image: click on each checkbox and get further options.

The checked options and the sub options (not just dropdowns, the third checkbox has input fields) all need to be available in state so i can collect them up and post them to a database

What i have so far is the below:

Array of options in state:

sowType: [
        "Teradata Customer SOW",
        "Custom Professional Services SOW"

Final rendered checkboxes:

My problem is, i don't know what to do next. I have dynamically rendered the initial 3 check boxes but i don't know how to add the conditional rendering to get the sub boxes to appear on clicking the check boxes) and add the info selected from them to state.

i.e. can i only add the conditional rendering on checkboxes that have NOT been dynamically rendered from map or is there a way to do it, in which case how is it done?

My code so far is as below, it may not be the best setup for what i am trying to do:

Can anyone help??

This is the reference to the component in the parent with the props passed down:

            title={"SOW Type"}
            setName={"SOW Type"}
            subtitle={"What type of SOW do you want to generate?"}

This is the child component dynamically rendering the array of items from state:

    class SOWType extends React.Component {
  render() {
    // console.log(this.props);
    return (
      <div className="form-group">
        <label htmlFor={} className="form-label">
        <div className="checkbox-group">
          { => {
            return (
              <label key={option}>
                  checked={this.props.selectedOptions.indexOf(option) > -1}

This is the method i am currently using in the parent when a checkbox is clicked in the child component (this basically takes the selected option from the array in state and puts the checked options into another array in state called 'sowTypeSelectedOption: [ ]',

handleSOWTypeCheckbox(e) {
    const newSelection =;
    let newSelectionArray;

    if (this.state.sowTypeSelectedOption.indexOf(newSelection) > -1) {
      newSelectionArray = this.state.sowTypeSelectedOption.filter(
        item => item !== newSelection
    } else {
      newSelectionArray = [...this.state.sowTypeSelectedOption, newSelection];
        sowTypeSelectedOption: newSelectionArray
      } /*() =>
      console.log("sow Type Selection: ", this.state.sowTypeSelectedOption) */

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