How to edit checkboxes to looks like this: checkboxes I didn't find anything on Bootstrap.
Currently my checkbox list looks like this: Unmodified checkboxes
In my cshtml I have empty div which I populate from javascript.
<div id="check-list-box" class="list-group checked-list-box">
for (i = 0; i < brUredjaja; i++) {
var brParametara = data[i].series.length;
if ((brParametara > 1) || (brUredjaja > 1)) {
for (j = 0; j < brParametara; j++) {
$("#graphId").append("<div class='graphReport col-md-6' id = div" + i + "dev" + j + "></div>");
$('#check-list-box').append('<input type="checkbox" checked id="myCheckbox" />' + data[i].series[j].name);
InitGraph(data[i].dates, data[i].series[j].data, "div" + i + "dev" + j, data[i].series[j].name, data[i].deviceName);
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