jeudi 14 février 2019

Bootstrap Vue,

I have a table that is filled with data. I have a selected property on the data I want to bind to the checkbox in the b-table. I can't seem to figure out how to do this.

My Data:

data: () => ({
  tableData: [
      title: "title01",
      desc: "desc01",
      selected: false
      title: "title02",
      desc: "desc02",
      selected: false
  tableColumns: [
    { key: "selected", label: "", sortable: false }
    { key: "title", label: "Title", sortable: false },
    { key: "desc", label: "Description", sortable: false }

The html:

<b-table id="myTabel"
  <template slot="selected" slot-scope="row">
      <input type="checkbox" v-model="How_To_Bind_To_Object_Prop?">

For the life of me I can't get the v-model set up to actually bind to the table data. v-model="tableData.selected" bind all check boxes to all data objects. So, if you check one, you check all and vise versa. I just can't figure out how to bind it to that row's data only.

I can do this by using more traditional HTML and using Vue's v-for to loop through the tableData to bind each table row. However, we're trying to move most, if not all, of our forms to using bootstrap-vue.

So, this works beautifully:

            <th :key="key" v-for="(tableColumn, key) in tableColumns">
        <tr :key="key" v-for="(tableRow, key) in tableData">
                <input type="checkbox" 

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