I am using RSelenium to download pdf documents from a database. Some of the documents are available, but, in some cases, the repository is not correct, and a box informing the problem appears (see http://imagem.camara.gov.br/dc_20b.asp?selCodColecaoCsv=D&Datain=16/5/1913#/). It is in Portuguese, and the message says that an error occurred).
I have already tried to identify some characteristics of the box via remDr$findElements(using="class name","modal-content")
, but, when the the file link is not broken, the code takes too long to respond and returns the following error message:
Error: Summary: NoSuchElement
Detail: An element could not be located on the page using the given search parameters.
class: org.openqa.selenium.NoSuchElementException
Further Details: run errorDetails method
My code probably is not much efficient, but, according to other answers, would be effective. The source of problems lies in the third line.
for(link in links){
if(length(remDr$findElements(using="class name","modal-content"))==0){
Probably, there are also other ways to download the pdf using Firefox, but this is enough for what I need.
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