PART 1 - So I have a bunch of <circle>
's inside a SVG, and I want those circles to be checkboxes. And after that I want to:
PART 2 - When circle 1 (which is now a checkbox) is clicked, then it is checked. But all the other circles now get unchecked.
This is what I've already tried:
PART 1 - Turning the SVG into a checkbox:
<circle opacity="0.5" cx="842" cy="451.814" r="25.582" class="svg_spot" id="1" fill="#FFB60C" >
<animate attributeName="r" values="25.582; 33; 25.582" keyTimes="0; 0.5; 1" begin="0s" dur="1s" repeatCount="indefinite" calcMode="linear" />
<input type="checkbox" id="spot1" name="spot" class="common_selector spot_id" value="spot1">
PART 2 -
$('input[name=spot]').click (function (){
$(this).attr('checked', true);
$('input[name=spot]').not(this).attr('checked', false);
Thanks for your time guys. Would appreciate any help!
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