mardi 7 mai 2019

Updating React Checkbox Value

I'm having trouble getting a checkbox to update to match my state.

The checkbox is rendered as so:

<div className={"form-group row " + (this.state.displayFormElements.infoRequiredApiCall ? '' : 'd-none')}>
                            <div className="col-sm-2">Get Setup API Call</div>
                            <div className="col-sm-10">
                                <div className="form-check">
                                    <input className="form-check-input" type="checkbox" id="infoRequiredApiCall" checked={this.state.pendingSubmission.infoRequiredApiCall} onChange={this.handleCheckboxUpdate} />
                                    <label className="form-check-label" htmlFor="gridCheck1">

The onChange function is:

handleCheckboxUpdate(e) {
    let pendingSubmission = { ...this.state.pendingSubmission }
    if (this.state.pendingSubmission[] === false) {
        pendingSubmission[] = true
    } else {
        pendingSubmission[] = false
    this.setState({ pendingSubmission })

This is the behaviour I'm seeing.

1. Checkbox unticked + state value false

I click the checkbox

2. Checkbox unticked + state value true

I click the checkbox

3. Checkbox ticked + state value true

I click the checkbox

4. Checkbox ticked + state value false

I click the checkbox

5. Checkbox unticked + state value false

I've tried a few different solutions, including a more conventional onChange function that writes the value to the state (as 'on' when checked as it behaves by default) but figured true/false was more straightforward.

What am I missing here. I think I understand setState's asynchronous behaviour and can update the value of dropdowns and text inputs no problem using this method.


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