I am writing a little program with Java AWT.
I have a panel with GridLayout (2 columns). On the left side of the panel is a Label, on the right side a CheckboxGroup.
The CheckboxGroup is in FlowLayout. It doesn't appear on the same height as the Label. How can I adjust the height/vertically center my CheckboxGroup?
I've tried to wrap the CheckboxGroup(with FlowLayout) in a BorderLayout and set it to BorderLayout.CENTER/SOUTH.
Panel panelSelector = new Panel(new GridLayout(0,2,3,3));
HotTubLabel = new Label("Hot Tub option:");
HotTubInput = new CheckboxGroup();
Panel panelHotTubCheck = new Panel(new FlowLayout());
panelHotTubCheck.add(new Checkbox("Yes", HotTubInput, false));
panelHotTubCheck.add(new Checkbox("No", HotTubInput, false));
panelHotTubCheck.add(new Checkbox("No preference", HotTubInput, true));
I expect the CheckboxGroup line to be on the same height as the Label line, just as it is with all the other objects like choice, TextField or Label.
Here a picture: Link to the picture because I don't have enough reputation ^^
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