lundi 3 juin 2019

Store multiple values of checkboxer in database with LARAVEL

I'm new to laravel and I have doubts about how to take checkboxes and check if they have been selected, I also have the question of how to go through the arrangement. In my controller I want to enter 1 when it is true and 9 when it is false but I do not know how to set the values ​​because I do not even take them and enter the database.

Here part of my view

<div class="col-sm-3">  
        @foreach ($catalogocomponente as $cat)

        @if($cat->tipo!=$titulo&&$cat->num_tipo %2 == 1)

          <div class="title">
             @if($cat->num_tipo %2 == 1)

    <div class="checkbox">
            <input type="checkbox" id="check[]" name="check[]"  value="" onchange="javascript:showContent()">
        <input name="" type="hidden" value="">

    <!------------------ desplegable ---------------->  
    <div id="content[]" style="display: none;">
        <div class="col-md-12">
            <div class="form-group label-floating">
                <input type="text"  name="description" class="form-control"> 

    <!------------------ desplegable ---------------->  


Here my store controller

public function store(Request $request){
if ($request){

  //  define('i',1);
    // i+1;         
    //$cameraVideo = $request->input('check'); //obtener el valor del arreglo de checks

        for($i=0; $i<5; $i++){

       // $query_insert = DB::table('componente')->insert($data);
    /*   if( $cameraVideo){

    dd('no marcadoss');

    // $i++;

    return Redirect::to('hojatrabajo');

here part of my view enter image description here Other problem its amm 1 checkbox its equal to insert in database, please i need your help, thanks for reading me 😀

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