mercredi 30 octobre 2019

Android: Generate n number of checkboxes and make 2 of them selectable

I need to make n number of checkboxes and make two of them selectable. The user can select one, then another. If the user selects a third, the second checkbox is un checked and so on. The user may also uncheck a checked box to make another choice.

I am pretty lost on what to do.

My current code: Im adding the checkboxes dynamically to a linear layout called checkBoxContainer here

 for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) {
            MaterialCheckBox checkBox = new MaterialCheckBox(context);
            checkBox.setText(String.format(Locale.getDefault(),"Checkbox %d", i));
            checkBox.setTag("Answer id : " + i);

Im stuck with this part

    public void onClick(View view) {
        int id = view.getId();
        MaterialCheckBox CheckedCheckBox = findViewById(id);
        mLog.i(TAG,"count : + "+checkCount);
            MaterialCheckBox LastCheckedCheckBox = findViewById(id);


You may ignore what I've written after CheckedCheckBox.setChecked(true); its just there to show that I have tired. It's nowhere near complete. Can someone give me and idea how to do this.

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