I'm stuck with this data collection to create a new user with only some options that I allow them to add.
The idea, is to have a JSP page where the user introduces the name of the user, chooses one especiality and checks from none to all additional capabilities. All this info will be stored in a MySQL DB.
I have the first page working, getting the data from DB perfectly, but I'm unable to get to the destination page properly. I want to have each capability in a different row for better User Inteface.
This is my starting JSP page:
<s:form action="insercionActionProfe">
s:textfield name="nombre" required="" align="center" label="Nombre Completo" placeHolder="Nombre Completo"/><br><br>
<s:select name="Especialidad" list="listaEspecialidades" label="Especialidad" headerKey="" headerValue="-- Escoge especialidad --"/><br><br>
Escoge las habilitaciones que tiene este profesor:<br><br>
<s:hidden name="numSustitutciones" value="0"/>
<s:hidden name="Alta" value="Si"/>
<s:iterator value="listaHabilitaciones" var="habilitacion" status="rowstatus">
<td style="text-align: center">
<input type="checkbox" name="habilitacionSeleccionada" value="${habilitacion}" id="habilitacionSeleccionada-${rowstatus.index}" />
<td style="text-align: left"><s:property value="#habilitacion"/></td>
<s:submit value="Insertar" align="center"/>
This is my Action class:
public class AltaProfe extends ActionSupport {
private String profeAlta;
private List<String> listaEspecialidades = new ArrayList();
private List<String> listaAsignaturasHabilitadas = new ArrayList();
private List<String> listaAsignaturasHabilitadasSeleccionadas = new ArrayList();
// getters & setters
public AltaProfe(){}
public List<String> getListaHabilitaciones(){
List <String> listaHabilitaciones = new ArrayList();
// get data from DB
return listaHabilitaciones;
public String execute() throws Exception{
listaAsignaturasHabilitadas = getListaHabilitaciones();
listaEspecialidades = listaAsignaturasHabilitadas;
return "OK";
public String display() {
return "NONE";
And this is the ModelDriven class:
public class InsercionActionProfe extends ActionSupport implements ModelDriven<Profesor>,Validateable{
private Profesor profe = new Profesor();
public Profesor getModel() { return profe; }
public String execute() throws Exception{
return "OK";
public void validate() { }
public String insercionProfesor(){
switch (profe.insercionProfesor()){
case "OK":
return "OK";
return "DUPLICADA";
case "ERROR":
return "ERROR";
return "ERROR";
} catch (Exception e){
System.out.println("Error en el insercionProfesor "+e);
return "INPUT";
This is my Model class:
public class Profesor {
private String nombre;
private String especialidad;
private boolean alta;
private int numSustituciones;
private List<String> habilitaciones;
private List<String> habilitacionesSeleccionadas = new ArrayList<>();
// getters & setters
public Profesor() {
this.especialidad = "";
this.alta = true;
this.numSustituciones = 0;
AltaProfe aP = new AltaProfe();
this.habilitaciones = aP.getListaHabilitaciones();
habilitaciones.stream().forEach((h) -> {
public Profesor(String nombre, String especialidad, boolean alta, int numSustituciones, List<String> habilitaciones, ArrayList<String> habilitacionesSeleccionadas){
this.nombre = nombre;
this.especialidad = especialidad;
this.alta = alta;
this.numSustituciones = numSustituciones;
this.habilitaciones = habilitaciones;
this.habilitacionesSeleccionadas = habilitacionesSeleccionadas;
public String insercionProfesor(){
// insert method to put the data in the DB.
Finally, the landing JSP page (which I never reached) tries to get this info but now I'm having a NoSuchMethodException so I never to get result page which should be something like:
Name of the user <s:property value="nombre"/>
Capabilities <s:property value="especialidad"/>
Once the NoSuchMethodException is solved, how can I do get shown the list called habilitaciones (the one with the checkbox)? And, is there any change that I must be doing to get this working? Like change any variable type, any transition, etc...
I'm really lost on this, please, please, please help me on this.
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