The code dynamically creates purchase orders with checkboxes as well as builds a struct with the key being the PO number and the value is false. I need to switch the struct value to true when the checkbox is checked.
<!--- declare an array to hold the structs. --->
<cfset checkedPOsArray = ArrayNew(1)>
<!--- dynamically create the po checkboxes --->
<cfloop query="someQuery">
<input type="checkbox" name="po_number_#someQuery.PoNumber#" onClick="changeStructValue(#someQuery.PoNumber#)" value="1" />
<!--- declare a variable to hold each po number. --->
<cfset thisPONumber = "#someQuery.po_number#">
<!--- build a struct to hold the booleen values. --->
<cfset thisPO_st = StructNew()>
<cfset thisPO_st.isChecked_[variables.thisPONumber] = false>
<!--- append the structs to the array --->
<cfset ArrayAppend(variables.checkedPOsArray, thisPO_st)>
<script type="text/javascript">
function changeStructValue(poNum) {
// grab the specific input that was checked.
var checkbox = document.querySelector("input[name=po_number_" + poNum + "]");
// set the value of the ischecked struct field to true.
document.selectedPlantsArray.indexOf(thisPO_st.isChecked_[poNum]).value = true;
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