dimanche 8 mars 2020

how to check multiple choices (chechboxes) in Python by tkinter?

I want to check (let say 3) checkboxes from 5. But by my code, it is only possible to select 1. The following loop in defined in a function and displays all choices as checkboxes. I am wondering how can I check 2 or 3 boxes instead of just 1 (after run the code).

    for g in range(NOP):
    cb11 = Checkbutton(root, text=str(Players[g]), variable=sp11, onvalue=str(Players[g]), offvalue='', font=('helvetica', 11,'bold'), fg='silver', bg='#263D42')
    canvas.create_window((W/10)+dis, 75, window=cb11)
    dis += sys.getsizeof(str(Players[g]))

Thank you for your help guys, Bests

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