jeudi 23 juillet 2020

Delete specific autogenerated entry boxes

I've written some code which creates a given number of entry boxes depending on user inputs. Name entry boxes are a given but each name_input entry box has an optional vname_input entry either side.

I would like the user to be able to delete or deactivate any specific vname_input entry box by checking its corresponding checkbox.

Currently checking any of the checkboxes removes the last entry rather than the given entry. I believe the poblem is indexing the correct entry within the checkbox command but I'm not sure how I would do this..

Here's my code:

 p = 0

                vname = []
                name = []

                for i in range(given_entry_count):
                    vname_input = Entry(build_labelframe, width=20)
                    vname_input.grid(row=6 + p + i, column=0)       # p & i update position
                    vname.append(vname_input)                       # Stores entry box ID

                    name_input = Entry(build_labelframe, width=20)
                    name_input.grid(row=7 + p + i, column=0)

                    def remove_vname_command():
                    remove_vname_tick = Checkbutton(build_labelframe, text="Remove veil", 
                    bd=0, command=remove_veil_command)               # Function for removing entries
                    remove_vname_tick.grid(row=6 + p + i, column=1)
                    p += 2

                vname_input = Entry(build_labelframe, width=20)
                vname_input.grid(row=6 + p + i, column=0)         # Places final optional vname entry

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